
Thursday, June 17, 2010

Renewed Committment

The other day I was reading one of the weight loss blogs I visit on a fairly regular basis.  I have to say that it was just what I needed to read.  I have to say thank you to Jack

I have renewed my committment to me and my journey.  I went to my WW meeting on wednesday with a better attitude.  I knew I was going to be up AGAIN, but I had already made the decision to get back on track, and knew that no matter what the damage was, I was not going to let it change that attitude.

I finally decided that if I really want to lose this weight, get healthy, be a better mom and wife, enjoy my life etc, etc, then I had to get serious.  I have been so lazy about it this time and I just don't want to do that anymore. 

I know that I can do this.  I AM worth it.  My family is worth it!!

So, here I go!  Do you need to renew your committment?


  1. You go, girl! I know you can do it, and I'm looking forward to reading your updates. :)

    Love, Gracie-kins

  2. Just found your blog through Fat to Fit link! So glad I clicked on it as it is a stunning blog. I have just recently renewed my commitment after a 4 mth momentary loss of concentration! Didn't want to undo all of my hard work. I have just created my blog as I was finsing so much inspiration through other peoples. Look forward to reading more. :)


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