Exercise. Is exercise fun to you? Not for me. Exercise has never been something that I was all to excited about doing, and it certainly isn't something I cared to do every day....not even 3 times a week. However, when you begin a journey to lose weight and get healthy, you know that the introduction of regular exercise into your routine is inevitable.
A couple of months ago I purchased a Balance Board and Wii Fit Plus DVD for our Wii. My sister and I played it once, then it sat for 3 weeks. Then we pulled it out again and played a little more. Another few days went by and my sister was out to the house again so we decided to try it some more. That was the time it clicked for me. We played on this balance board for over 2.5 hours that night. We laughed at each other, got frustrated at the game, opened some harder levels, sweated like mad, and had an absolutely blast!!
Who da thunk that playing a video game could make you sweat so much, and keep you wanting to do it again and again?!
I have found a couple games in the Aerobics section that I enjoy. The Advanced Step, Rhythm Boxing and Rhythm Parade are 3 of my favorites. I play them over and over again trying to beat my high score. Before I know it an hour has flown bye, and I'm sweating hard. I would never had believed how much fun it can be. If I still feel like playing around then I go to things like Advanced Skateboarding/Super Hula Hoop, and Rythm Kung fu.
I am looking forward to getting back home and getting to do it again! High Scores, here I come!!!!!
What do you do for exercise, and is it fun?
3 weeks ago
I must admit that at the moment I don't. At all. I do want to get a Wii with the Wii fit bit so if you have any tips on what games to get I'd love to hear them.